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Why are mental games like chess divided into men and women?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-12      Origin: Site

               Why are mental games like chess divided into men and women?

The reasons why men's competitive level is higher than women's are:

1. Chess players' thinking mode is close to mathematics, which requires strong logical thinking and reasoning ability. They are more  scientific, and men are stronger.

2, the high-level competition time is long, the physical consumption is huge, the chess players who participate in the high-level competition can really realize that a game or even 7 hours, the physical strength of men will be stronger.


3, infrastructure determines the superstructure: Men are more interested in chess, and the number of men willing to play chess as a long-term hobby is significantly more than women. Therefore, men devote more time to chess sports. As a teacher of a special chess training class, there are significantly more boys than girls in a class learning chess. Men and women have their own strengths. Chess simulates ancient wars, and men are indeed stronger at the competitive level.


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