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Knowing that you are interested in chess, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • Do you know the top 10 benefits of playing chess for your brain?
    ChessVibes网站发表文章,盛赞下国际象棋对于大脑的十大好处:国际象棋是王者游戏(the game of kings)。过去,帝国和王国的统治者从中看到了战略和前瞻,这是他们在处理君主和挑战者关系时每天做的事情。现在,随着我们对大脑的了解加深,一些人主张把国际象棋作为公共教育工具。他们强烈推荐国际象棋,基于以下考虑:一、能够提高智商(It can raise your IQ)国际象棋本身就是一个问题,它被看作是脑力运动游戏,一般认为,下国际象棋的人拥有高智商。这里有一个先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题:是聪明人被国际象棋所吸引呢,还是下国际象棋人更聪明了?研究表明,把王后和车移来移去确实能提高人的 Read More
  • What are some trifles about chess?
    1. Soldier Upgrade Option: In chess, when the pawn reaches the opponent's bottom line, it can be promoted, that is, transformed into any other piece except the king. Statistically, the vast majority of players choose to raise a pawn to a queen (about 96.9%) because the queen is the most powerful pie Read More
  • At what age is chess best learned?
    The great American inventor Franklin once said, "Chess is more than entertainment... Life is a game of chess." Read More
  • Do you know the trivialities of chess?
    1. Soldier Upgrade Option: In chess, when the pawn reaches the opponent's bottom line, it can be promoted, that is, transformed into any other piece except the king. Statistically, the vast majority of players choose to raise a pawn to a queen (about 96.9%) because the queen is the most powerful pie Read More
  • Why is chess a sport
    体育(physical education,缩写PE或P.E.),是一种复杂的社会文化现象,它以身体与智力活动为基本手段,根据人体生长发育、技能形成和机能提高等规律,达到促进全面发育、提高身体素质与全面教育水平、增强体质与提高运动能力、改善生活方式与提高生活质量的一种有意识、有目的、有组织的社会活动。有些人从表面现象看待体育运动,他们只认为跑、跳、游、球、拳等等激烈的体力运动才算得体育,而棋类是两人相对而坐,棋子重量不过几克,也算作体育,似乎是很难理解的事。常常有人问起:棋类怎么也属于体育项目呢?首先,棋类活动是很高强度的脑力运动,一盘棋的艺术表现,在于它的构思严谨,变化无穷,同时也需要棋手有 Read More
  • Tata Steel Masters 2024: Abdusattorov forges into the lead
    Nodirbek Abusattorov scored a crucial victory over Ju Wenjun in Round 11 of Tata Steel Masters and grabbed the lead. Gukesh D had a chance to keep up with the Uzbek GM but missed a couple of chances in the game with Alireza Firouzja and had to settle for a draw. Wei Yi and Vidit Gujrathi pulled off Read More
  • FIDE and World Chess launch Women’s Wednesday Online Tournament Series
    January 23, 2024, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND — In a groundbreaking move to elevate women's participation and recognition in the world of chess, the International Chess Federation (FIDE) and World Chess are thrilled to announce the launch of the Women’s Wednesday Online Tournament Series “Swiss Queens Wed Read More
  • The 8th chess champion in the world: Tal
     没有一个世界冠军像塔尔这样惹人喜爱,并引起人们那么多的谈论,那么多的争议。人们喜爱他卓越的棋艺,他的谦虚、灵活机智、带点抱歉似的微笑,还有他的温和与对人的关心。但也有人感到十分遗憾,因为塔尔根本就没有“性格”。人们说,要跟塔尔生气,简直像跟小孩生气一样不可能。  在下棋的方法上,塔尔有点像上世纪的大师,他很少作事先的研究分析,而往往作即兴发挥。关于这一点,鲍特维尼克这样写道:“过去的大师们主要是‘即兴作者’······但是在上世纪末,在国际象棋上出现了一种新的趋向——研究的(趋向)。它帮助我们的棋手争得世界荣誉。如果我,根据大家的意见,首先是一个研究分析者,那么塔尔是一个卓越的‘即兴作者’和 Read More
  • Wei Yi wins 2024 Tata Steel Masters
    Wei Yi emerged as the winner of the Tata Steel Masters 2024 after beating Gukesh D in the tiebreak blitz final. This victory is the most significant achievement in the 24-year-old Chinese GM chess career.Round 13 encounters Ding Liren – Ju Wenjun and Nepomiachtchi – van Forrest quickly ended in draw Read More
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Linhai Xinxing Sporting Goods Factory focuses on the innovation and design of chess and sports entertainment games.

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