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The articles shown below are all about the bowling, through these related articles, you can get relevant information, notes in use, or latest trends about the bowling. We hope these news will give you the help you need. And if these bowling articles can't solve your needs, you can contact us for relevant information.
  • Why should kids go bowling.
    Why should kids go bowlingNowadays there are many sports and after-school activities that can help children's development. Many of these sports may include soccer, baseball, and football. All sports help them deve Read More
  • How did bowling develop?
    保龄球运动的发展历史悠久且充满趣味。其起源可以追溯到公元前5200年的古埃及,当时人们使用大理石球和瓶子进行类似现代保龄球的游戏。然而,真正现代意义上的保龄球起源于公元3至4世纪的德国。最初,这项运动并不是作为娱乐活动出现的,而是天主教徒在教堂走廊里安放木柱,用石头滚地击之,以检验信仰和赎罪。他们认为,如果击倒木柱,就可以为自己赎罪或消灾;如果击不中,则应该更加虔诚地信仰“天主”。这种原始的保龄球形式,逐渐在民众中传播开来,成为了他们娱乐和休闲的一种方式。随着时间的推移,保龄球逐渐演变成为德国民间普遍爱好的体育运动项目。特别是在14世纪初,这项运动在德国得到了广泛的推广和普及。后来,随着荷兰人 Read More
  • The benefits of bowling to children
    The benefits of bowling to children Read More
  • Why should kids go bowling
    Why should kids go bowling Read More
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