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  • How to choose the perfect Pick racket?Do you know your pickleball rating? Even if you don't, you probably know if you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player. Knowing your skill level is crucial to choosing the right pick. A beginner racquet will have a larger sweet spot and provide more fau
  • Are you new to pickleball? Maybe you can't wait to get on the field. But before that, let's uncover the top 10 common pickleball mistakes for beginners to help you become a pickleball expert faster!
  • Although the 2022 pickleball has become famous on the other side of the ocean, it is also a matter of the second half of the year, and when domestic practitioners react that most areas have entered winter and are no longer suitable for outdoor sports, the development of pickleball has been delayed.N
  • 过去一年,匹克球出现爆炸式的增长,正在成为国外发展速度最快的一项运动。一些退役的网球选手开始踏足匹克球领域,杰克-索克和萨姆-奎雷伊等球员开始成为职业匹克球选手。就在最近,WTA现役球员布沙尔已经确认将会参加2024年的匹克球赛事。这位加拿大人甚至谈到利用自己的影响力来帮助这项运动的成长,将网球球迷带到匹克球的赛场。实际上,匹克球的高速发展主要是得益于它的便于操作性,并且比赛设备维护和购买的成本都比较低。那些热衷于运动的人士一直在通过各自表演赛积极推广这项运动,并且邀请包括网球在内的体育圈各界人士来参赛。比如,在2月份,第2届匹克球大满贯在佛罗里达举行,麦肯罗、阿加西、莎拉波娃和格拉芙等已退役
Linhai Xinxing Sporting Goods Factory focuses on the innovation and design of chess and sports entertainment games.

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