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What are the benefits of learning chess?

Publish Time: 2023-08-31     Origin: Site

                                                                  What are the benefits of learning chess? 

Chess activities set culture, science, art, competition in one, beneficial to body and mind, easy to carry out, full of fun, conducive to the development of people's wisdom, exercise people's thinking, cultivate people's perseverance, enhance the sense of competition. It not only plays an important role in cultivating children's interest, character, belief, edifying sentiments, feelings, strong perseverance, will quality and other non-intellectual factors; The intellectual factors that can also cultivate children's attention, observation, memory, imagination and thinking have a significant impact. Lay the foundation for children to be invincible in the truth of growth. Specifically, there are several major advantages: First, chess is a very old, elegant sport, the World Chess Federation has 167 member states and regions, its fans as many as 300 million.

Chess integrates science, culture, art and competition. It helps to develop intelligence, cultivate logical thinking and imagination ability, strengthen analytical ability and memory, and improve the agility and rigor of thinking. It can cultivate people's tactical and technical consciousness and overall perspective, and enhance people's planning and flexibility in work. It can also enrich people's cultural life, enhance friendship, cultivate noble sentiments, and cultivate outstanding will qualities such as indomitable courage, perseverance and calm, resourcefulness and flexibility. The method of chess is varied and interesting, and it has excellent effect on the development of children's intelligence. Therefore, at present, many countries in the world have included chess in the primary school curriculum. In China, Peking University, Tsinghua University and other universities have listed chess as an elective course, and a group of excellent chess players have been absorbed into these famous institutions of higher learning.


1. Soldier: Persistent pursuit to realize the ideal; 2, such as: internal affairs and diplomacy, information interconnection; 3. Ma: Encourage innovation and advocate win-win; 4, car: bold, brave; 5, Wang: in-depth practice, optimize management; 6, after: pay attention to women, integrated comprehensive effect.

Three basic methods of chess thinking: One look (empathy), two thoughts (invention), three checks (self-criticism)

Chess and EQ education In Europe, chess is used as an important tool for EQ education and is used in teaching, and the intensity of curriculum arrangement is equal to that of Chinese and mathematics. In China, the EQ education in kindergartens is very good, but the EQ education in primary and secondary schools is relatively inadequate. Emotional intelligence education has a decisive impact on people's life development. According to an expert survey of successful people, emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of personal success, while IQ only accounts for 20%.

In the World Chess Championship and the Olympic Games, the Chinese women's team has won four consecutive championships, and the men's team won the world second place in 2005. More than 20 cities across the country have been issued by the government and education departments to carry out chess policies, such as Shanghai, Hainan, Handan, Zhongshan, Wenzhou and other cities. Among them, Hunan Yongzhou City Communist Youth League Municipal Committee and education Bureau, sports Bureau jointly issued a document on chess activities in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. The Ministry of Education has added the content of extra points for chess events to the extra points system for university special students. Peking University, Tsinghua University and Beijing Normal University all offer chess elective courses. Many kindergartens in large and medium-sized cities in China regard chess as a feature of their kindergartens, and offer chess lessons in small classes. At present, the best activity in Hunan is Lushan International Experimental School. The Lushan team has won three consecutive championships in the provincial championship, and won the top 8 team and the top 6 individual team in the national competition.

Six advantages of chess ① There is a perfect teaching theory to guide; ② Vivid shape, interesting; (3) Short time to achieve a single teaching activity goal (activity goal includes: emotion, ability and knowledge); (4) Chinese chess level can be quickly transformed into chess level; ⑤ Master family sparring - chess software has reached the grandmaster level; ⑥ Frequent events, short results; International exchange activities can be carried out as a platform for English teaching to promote each other.

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